Wednesday, October 24, 2012



Çukurova Univ. Ziraat Fak. Zootekni Böl. 01330 Adana



Public concern over the risk of the antibiotic residues presence in milk and meat and its effect on human health the European Union in 2006 banned the use of antibiotics in animal feeding. Accordingly, there is greater interest in using plants and plant extracts as alternatives to feed antibiotics to manipulate ruminal fermentation, improve feed efficiency and animal productivity. Many plants produce secondary metabolites such as phenolic compounds, essential oils, and saponins that affect microbial activity. Recent studies have elicited promising result in manipulation rumen fermentation, methane production and protein degradation by plant extracts or essential oils. Strategy for the future research needs should be taken after the fact of some research on plants extracts or essential oils as alternative feed additive.


Keyword : Plants Extracts, Essential Oils, Rumen Modifier, Methane emission



Et ve sütte antibiyotik kalıntılarının varlığı ve insan sağlığı üzerinde risk oluşturması nedeniyle hayvan yemlerinde antibiyotik kullanımı Avrupa Birliği’nce 2006 yılında yasaklanmıstır. Hayvansal üretim ve yemden yararlanmanın iyilestirilmeşi, rumen fermentasuyonunun manipülasyonu amacıyla antibiyotiklere alternatif olarak bitki ekstraklarının kullanımına ilgi artmıştır. Birçok bitki fenolik bileşikler, esans yağları ve saponinler gibi sekonder metabolitler üretmektedir. Son yıllarda protein yıkılabilirliği, metan üretimi ve rumen fermentasyonunun manipülasyonunda bitki ekstrakları veya esans yağları ile yapılan çalışmalar ile umut verici sonuçlar alınmıştır. Alternative yem katkı maddesi olarak bitki ekstraktları veya esans yağları konusu detaylı olarak araştırılmaktadır.            


Anahtar kelimeler : Bitki ekstratlari, esaniyal yaglar, metan üretimi



            In ruminant production, antibiotics are commonly fed to animals to prevent disease and metabolic disorders, as well as improve feed efficiency. In recent years, public concern over routine use of antibiotics in ruminant nutrition has increased due to residual effect of antibiotics in milk and meat, also due to emergence of antibiotics resistant bacteria that may represent a risk to human health. Ruminant production also has been accused as a cause factor in contributing of global warming by methane emission from enteric fermentation. This issue must be proved by high precise research or finding the feed additive which have ability to decrease methane emission from ruminant. 

            Many countries have a regulatory framework to regulation antibiotics use in animal nutrition. In the USA, animal feed is regulated by the centre for veterinary medicine (CVM). CVM is responsible for ensuring animal feed is safe and appropriately labeled. In Europe animal feed is ultimately regulated by the European Commission though it acts on recommendations from European Food Safety Autority (EFSA). EFSA may require maximum residues limits (MRLs) and a market monitoring plan. In 2003 European parliament and Council regulation (EC) No 1831/2003 resulted in the phasing out of antibiotics feed additive from January 2006. In Australia, animal feed is regulated by The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicine Authority (APVMA). APVMA until 2003 was known as the National registration Authority for Agriculture and veterinary Chemicals (NRA). In 2001, NRA released guidelines for stock food and stock food additives. The above agencies also provide database of active agents that approved for use as alternative antibiotics. Plant extracts or essential oils as feed additives use for ruminant modifier to enhance ruminant performance, and reduce methane emissions from enteric fermentation. This review is provided the outsight of the next strategy of rumen modifier by plant extracts or essential oils in ruminant nutrition.


Plant Extracts or Essential Oils

            Plants produce an organic compounds derived from their secondary metabolism that are classified in three main groups: saponins, tannins, and essential oils. There are two chemical groups of essential oils Terpenoids and Phenypropanes. Terpenoids are the more numerous and diversified group of plant secondary metabolites, these compounds are characterized as deriving from a basic structure of 5 carbons (C5H8). Within terpenoids, the most important components of essential oils of the majority of plants belong to the monoterpenoid and sesquiterpenoid families (Carvacrol, Thymol, Terpinen 4-Ol). Phenylpropanoids are not the most common compound of essential oil, the term “phenylpropanoid” refers to compounds with a chain of 3 carbons bound to an aromatic ring of 6 carbons.

            Sapponins are high molecular weight glycosides in which sugars are linked to a triterpene or steroidal aglycone moiety. A large number of saponins are possible depending upon the modifications of the ring structures of aglycone moieties and the number of sugars attached to it. Thymol is a monoterpene [5-methyl-2-(1-methylethyl)phenol; C10H14O] the most well-researched active components of essential oils.  Eugenol (4-allyl-2-methoxyphenol; C10H12O2) is a phenolic compound. Cinnamaldehyde (3-fenil-2-propenal phenol; C9H8O), a phenylpropanoid with antimicrobial activity. Anethol (1-methoxy-4-propenylbenzene; C10H12O) is the main active component of anise (P. anisum) oil and is responsible for its antimicrobial activity.

            Essential oils have a wide a variety of effect on health. However the most important activity of essential oils is as antiseptic and antimicrobial (Table 1). Mechanisms of action have been described by researcher, including the interaction with the cell membrane of microorganism, the coagulation of some cell constituents, denature of proteins and interaction with DNA.

Fig 1. Enteric Methane CH4 from rumen fermentation

Table 1. Some Plan extract or essential oils have antimicrobial effects

Essential oils of
Active Component
Susceptible MO effect
Allium Sativum
Enteropatogenic bac.
Anethum graviolens
Limonene, Carvone
Gram + and - bacteria
Capsicum annum
Gram + and - bacteria
Cinnamomum cassia
E.Coli, Listeria,S enteridis
Juniperus oxycedrus
Cardinene, Pinene
A sobrina, E fealis,
Melaleuca Altemifolia
Tea tree
+ and - gram bacteri
Origanum vulgare
Gram + and - bacteria
Pinpinella anisum
A hydrophila, B linens
Rosmarinus officinalis
1,8 Cineole
S aureus,, C Jejuni
Syzygium aromaticum
E Coli, S aureus
Thymus vulgaris
Tyhme, Carvacrol
S typimurium, S  aureu
Zingiber officinale
Gram + and – bacteria
Origanum mintiflorum
Turkish oregano
E Coli, S typimuirum
Laurus nobilis
Bay laurel
1,8 Cineole
E Coli, S typimuirum
Lavandula stoechas
E Coli, S typimuirum
Funiculum vulgare
Trans anethol
E Coli,  S typimuirum
Rhus coriaria L
Tanin, Flavone
Terebinthus L
Terpentine, Tanin
Diuretic, cardiotonic
Mentha longifolia

Modified from Calsamiglia (2007).

             However, using essential oils as feed additive has 8 – 14% potential effect on decreasing of methane emission from rumen fermentation in vitro (Boady, 2004).  That conditions need mitigation strategies for using plant extracts and essential oils as rumen modifier. The additive, synergistic and antagonistic effect of combined essential oils should be considered in future research to improve efficiency plant extracts and essential oils as ruminant modifier.

Fig 2. Plant Metabolism producing sencondary metabolites including essential oils
(source Calsamiglia et al, 2007)

Recent Studies on Plant Extracts or Essential Oils as Rumen Modifiers

            Evans and Martin (2000) reported that thymol reduced methane and lactate concentration via affecting energy metabolism of 2 relevant rumen bacteria grown in pure culture: Streptococcus bovis and Selenomonas ruminantium. Low doses of thymol (50 mg/L) had no effects on in vitro rumen microbial fermentation, but at higher doses (500 mg/L) total VFA and ammonia N concentrations decreased, and the acetate-to-propionate ratio increased (Castillejos et al, 2006). Thymol increased the acetate-to-propionate ratio in a 60:40 alfalfa hay:concentrate diet at high pH (6.4).

            Supplementation of ruminant diets with essential oils Cinnamaldehyde, Garlic and Juniper berry 0.02 g/Kg DM oils may alter the diversity of rumen methanogens archaea (phylogenetic analysis)  without affecting the methanogenic capacity of the rumen (Ohene-adjei, 2008). Methanogenesis in the rumen may not always be correlated with the number of methanogens in the rumen.

                Busquet (2005) evaluated supplementation of different concentrations (3, 30, 300, and 3000 mg/L of culture fluid) of garlic oil (GAR), diallyl sulfide (DAS), diallyl disulfide (DAD), allicin (ALL), and allyl mercaptan (ALM) in diluted ruminal fluid with a 50:50 forage:concentrate diet on rumen microbial fermentation. GAR and DAD (30; 300 mg/L), and ALM (300 mg/L) resulted in lower molar proportion of acetate and higher proportions of propionate and butyrate. In contrast, at 300 mg/L, DAS only increased the proportion of butyrate, and ALL had no effects on volatile fatty acid proportions. Treatments GAR, DAD, and ALM 300 mg/L resulted in a decrease in methane production of 73.6, 68.5, and 19.5%, respectively, compared with the control. Busquet (2005) also evaluated the effects of Cinnamaldehyde and garlic oil on rumen microbial fermentation. The Cinnamaldehyde decreased the proportion of acetate and branch-chained volatile fatty acids (VFA) and increased the proportion of propionate; Cinnamaldehyde 10 mg/l could decrease the proportion of acetate and increased the proportion of butyrate compared with the control. Garlic acid 10 mg/l increased the proportion of propionate and butyrate and decreased the proportion of acetate and branch-chained VFA compared with the control. Garlic acid 10 mg/l also increased the small peptide plus amino acid N concentration.

            Busquet (2006) reported that garlic oil (Garlic oil 300; 3,000 mg/L) and benzyl salicylate (300; 3,000 mg/L) reduced acetate and increased propionate and butyrate proportions, suggesting that methane production was inhibited. At 3,000 mg/L, capsicum oil, carvacrol, carvone, cinnamaldehyde, cinnamon oil, clove bud oil, eugenol, fenugreek, and oregano oil resulted in a 30 to 50% reduction in ammonia N concentration in rumen in vitro.

                Kamra (2006) reported that ethanol extract Sapindus mukorossus (soapnut) on in vitro rumen fermentation of feed with buffalo rumen liquor could decrease methane production in buffalo in vitro rumen treatment from 38.89 ml/g DM to 1.65 ml/G DM and could decrease protozoa number from 2.66 x 103/ml to 0.63 x 103/ml. Sapindus mukorossus (soapnut) mostly contain Saponin as bioactive component that effect on methane emission decreasing. The methanol extracts of the fruit pulp of tannin rich plant Terminalia belerica and Terminalia chebula and the ethanol extract of T. chebula inhibited in vitro methane emission significantly ( P b0.01),  whereas the ethanol extract of T. belerica fruit pulp and water extracts of both did not affect methanogenesis. The ethanol extract of Psidium guajawa leaves, rich in flavonoids and tannins, also exhibited anti-methanogenic activity in the in vitro gas production test.

            Sallam (2009) reported that doses level was important factor that effect on gas production and methane decreasing in rumen fermentation. The research use several doses (0,5; 1 and 1,5 ml/75ml buffered rumen fluid) of Thyme, Fennel and Ginger was not effect on methane decreasing and effect on increasing of gas production. However 1,5 ml/75 ml buffered rumen fluid of Black Seed (Nigila sativa) can effect to decrease methane gas production in vitro.

            Gorgulu et al (2010) reported that using of garlic oils, cinnamon, and bay laurel oils in dairy feed affected feed consumption and milk production (P> 0.05). However Garlic oils in dairy feed significantly increased milk lactose (P<0.05). Thyme, Russian olive and peel orange oils 108 ppm in dairy ration had effects on feed consumption, milk production, corrected milk production (4% milk fat) and weight gain (P>0.05). Sahan et al (2010) reported that total Omega-3 and C18:3n3 of milk were decreased by essential oils (laurel oils 60 ppm and cinnamon 90 ppm) compared to had no potentials to alter ruminal biohydrogenation process and modify fatty acid profile of milk when dairy cows fed with TMR containing 30 ppm, garlic, 60 ppm cinnamon and 90 ppm laurel essential oils.


Future strategy research of plant extracts or essential oils as rumen modifier

            Strategy for the future research needs should be taken after the fact of some research of plant extracts or essential oils as alternative feed additive. Some of the limitations of current knowledge that need to be resolved include the following:

  1. Research should consider variation of essential oils contents in different plant cultivar and different processing methods for oils extraction from plants.
  2. Screening of the effects of a wide variety of essential oils by study specific mechanism of action.
  3. Researcher should consider microbial ecosystem may adapt to new environmental conditions.
  4. Finding an opportunities to explore other effects in rumen fermentation, such as potential effects on biohydrogenation of fatty acids and activity against pathogens
  5. Research of essential oils as rumen modifier provide residual effect of essential oils in animal production (milk and meat) and its effect for human health.
  6. The research also should consider feeding cost in connection with performance changes.



Bencharr, C., Petit, H. V. , Berthiaume, R., Qellet, D. R.Chiquette, J. Chouinard, P. . 2007. Effects of essential oils on digestion, ruminal fermentation, rumen microbial populations, milk production, and milk composition in dairy cows fed alfalfa silage or corn silage. J. Dairy Sc., 90:886-897

Benchaar, C., S. Calsamiglia, A.V. Chaves, G.R. Fraser, D. Colombatto, T.A. McAllister, K.A. Beauchemin. 2008. A review of plant-derived essential oils in ruminant. Animal Feed Science and Technology 145 (2008) 209–228

Boadi, D., C. Benchaar1, J. Chiquette, and D. Massé. 2004. Mitigation strategies to reduce enteric methane emissions from dairy cows: Update review. Canadian J. Anim. Sci. 830, received 28 October 2003, accepted 17 April 2004.

Busquet, M., Calsamiglia, S., Ferret, A., Cardoza, P. W. Kamel, C., 2005. Effects cinnamaldehyde and garlic oils on rumen microbial fermentation in a dual flow continous. Culture, j. Dairy Sci.

Busquet, M., Calsamiglia, S. Ferret, A. Carro, M. D. Kamel C., 2005. Effect of Garlic oil and four of its compound on reme microbial fermentation. J. Dairy Sci., 88 : 4393-4404

Busquet, M., Calsamiglia, S., Ferret, A. kamel, C., 2006. Plant extracts affect in vitro rumen microbial fermentation,. J. Dairy Sci., 89:761-771

Calsamiglia, S., Busquet, M., Cardoza,P. W., Castillejos,L., Ferret A., Fandino,I. 2007. The use of essential oils in ruminant as modifier of rumen microbial fermentation. Pen state dairy cattle nutrition workshop, November 13-14, Grantvil, PA, USA.

Calsamiglia, S., Busquet, M., Cardoza,P. W., Castillejos,L., Ferret A.,  2007. Essential oils as modifier of rumens microbial fermentation.  J. dairy Sci. 90 :2580-2595

Gorgulu, M., 2010. Bazi bitki ucucu yaglarinin enerji, protein ve lif kaynagi yemlerde in vitro gercek kurumadde, ham protein, ve NDF sindirilebilirligine ve yuksek verimi sut sigirlarinda sut verimi ve sut kompzisyonlarina etkileri. Tubitak Arastirma Projesi Gelisme Raporu.

 Kamra, D. N.,  N. Agarwal, L.C. Chaudhary. 2006. Inhibition of ruminal methanogenesis by tropical plants containing secondary compounds. International Congress Series 1293 (2006) 156–163

Ohene-Adjei, S., A. V. Chaves ,  T. A. McAllister, C. Benchaar ,  R. M. Teather  and  R. J. Forster. 2008. Evidence of Increased Diversity of Methanogenic Archaea with Plant Extract Supplementation. Microb Ecol (2008) 56:234–242.

Sallam, S. M. A., I. C. S., Bueno., P. Brgide., P. B. Godoy, D.M. S.S. Vitti and A. L.Abdalla. 2009. Investigation of Potential New Opportunities for Plants Extracts on rumen Microbial Invitro. Nutritional and Foraging Ecology of Sheep and Goats.


Sahan, Z., Gorgulu, M., Celik, L., Cinli, H. 2010. The effects of essential oils of cinnamon, garlic and laurel on milk fatty acid in dairy cows. Poster. Symposium: Cost Action - Feed for health

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